Vignerons 4.0: what does it mean to be a winemaker during COVID-19?

Thanks to Allegra owner of for this interview.

A few weeks ago we made a round of calls to our dearest winemakers asking how they have been dealing with COVID-19. It started from our personal interest to check out on them and their health, but we quickly ended up talking about work, as expected. You know, it always happens when you love what you do for a living.

Our newest partner Organic Farm Inserrata proved to have a head start. Past logistics and renovation reasons kept them from investing in visits and direct sales at the winery. So, while waiting for a new and appropriate cellar to be built, they had already started investing in alternative sales channels, betting on digital marketing and online sales. Well, these days have definitely been the proof that they’ve won their bet.

A few years ago, Inserrata chose to distinguish itself offering creative taste and being biologically pure. They launched new collaborations with artists from all over Europe, merging the wine world with the one of photography, art and design. This avant-garde, creative communication, together with e-commerce partnerships in Italy and in the rest of the world, pushed them ahead of the game. Having already settled in alternative channels before the lockdown, was like having already picked up the sword before battle. And Inserrata chose to fight with honor, using this advantage for a good cause. They are indeed devolving to charity all the revenue from the sales of their 100% Sangiovese rosé, Inebriante.

Finally, many agreed with Inserrata, seeing the online channel as a mean for doing charity and acting socially responsible. Not only to make a difference during this hard time, but also to generate a domino effect based on sharing and sustaining each-other in support of the whole Italian wine industry.

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